January 01, 2010

What's not in a name

Harbhajan has many names - Bhaj, Bhajji, ‘bhajan, Har’, Turbunator, and no doubt others that have endeared him to you. While each name has its time and place, none of the names capture the flying Sikh in his element.

If it wasn’t for the geyser repairman’s visit, this name would never have come to me; his name was - Hulchul Singh.

As I heard Hulchul Singh say Hulchul Singh, I felt Bhajji had come to repair my geyser. I kept a safe distance from Hulchul Singh; more than an arm’s length away.

Hulchul Singh was a modest little man. But his name it was so damn kinetic. With a name like that, I almost expected him to run in with the tri-colour to repair my geyser, Bhajji would have done no less.

With a name like that I expected Hulchul to teri ma ki the geyser, rip it out of the wall, and then hurl it through the window, Bhajji would have done no less.

With a name like that, bet you get the drift, you just want to drift.

You can meet Hulchul Singh on bored here; after the Continuing Saga of BossDK and BiggBosST, Jatman, Bored Peon & Bored Neon, he just had to make his grand entry – on New Year’s day. Happy, Hulchul?

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