November 08, 2009

By how many runs did we lose?

Evening, a dimly lit street in Hauz Khas, Delhi. I walk past P2 or P3 when Innocent appears from the dark and asks Guard:

I: Match may kya hua?

G: Har gaye

I: Kitne run se hare?

G: Run se nahin, 6 wicket se

I: Run se nahin hare?

I walked back again, and dubbed in English

I: Who won the match?

G: We lost

I: By how many runs did we lose?

G: Not runs, they won by 6 wickets

I: We didn’t lose by runs?

I’ve replayed the scene in my head a few times. In hindsight I could have waited for the rest of their chat, but what the hell.

Innocent has a point though, we should have lost by runs. Even he couldn't believe we batted first @8.30 am. Indians are late starters after all.


Anonymous said...

It was a poor decision by Dhoni. He admits it himself. But that's cricket, right?

Gaurav Sethi said...

Yeah, and that's Dhoni too - he will admit, that's smart.