Our lives are small, insignificant, cocooned in cricket
Our lives are big, significant, liberated in cricket
I live by myself in a drain pipe in a cricket cocoon
I live with millions on a field in a cricket cocoon
I live in a cricket cocoon
I live by myself in a cricket cocoon
I live with you in a cricket cocoon
Don’t take my cricket away from me
Don’t take her away from me
I don’t got much else except for her
She don’t got much else except for me
She is my cricket cocoon
I am her cricket cocoon
I cannot see your point of view
I do not see your point of view
There is no other point of view
There is no other point of view
I cry every time I cannot bat
I cry every time I have to give them my bat
I am six years and seven months old
And they take away my bat
I will not play with them
I live in my cricket cocoon
I live all alone by myself and my dreams
They are bigger than your biggest mansion
They are bigger than your biggest spaceship
I do not want to wake up
Just let me be in my cricket cocoon
Just let me be
:) Thanks!
anytime sb
no one can dare to snatch bat and then reason with the resident of this cricket cocoon... :)
I see Soulberrisim is contagious.:)
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